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Friday, 1 April 2016

Portfolio Update Mar 2016

Portfolio update!!! Received the special dividend from Saizen REIT, still coming to grips on the loss of a great cashflow stock. Having said that however, some of the money was put to good use in purchasing some stocks to replenish the loss of cashflow. Will be keeping the unspent cash on hand for better opportunities should the market correct itself again.


Stock NameUnitsCostCost (Per Unit)Dividends Collected
First REIT3267$4,128.071.264$198.92
Keppel DC REIT1000$937.000.937$68.40
Saizen REIT2000$1,724.210.862$2,201.60
Hock Lian Seng1800$750.740.417$72.00
ABF Bond Fund300$343.221.144$7.95
KingsMen Creative900$754.800.839$5.00
Accordia Golf Trust1500$876.580.584$20.88
AIMS AMP Industrial REIT500$659.651.319$8.55
ST Engg200$563.352.817$0.00

Took out the market value column, since my goal isn't based on capital gains anyway.


100 shares OCBC
200 shares Kingsmen

Total dividends received: $572.94 (excluding special dividend from Saizen)
Dividends received in 2016: $98.97 (excluding special dividend from Saizen)
Yield on cost: 3.59%


Stock NameUnitsCost /USDCost (Per Unit) / USDDividends Collected
Berkshire Hathaway2$271.45135.726$0.00
Omega Healthcare Reit6$191.9331.988$2.37

Total dividends received: USD$4.74
Dividends received in 2016: USD$4.74
Yield on cost: 1.0%